Figure 1 illustrates the importance of maintaining an adequate supply of readily-plant-available P in soil to satisfy the maximum daily demand of a crop for P.
In a recent comprehensive review of world literature on P use efficiency for a wide range of cropping systems, soil types, and climates, Syers et al.
Apr 20, 2017 · in the grain was used to determine global PUE for cereal crops. Phosphorus use efficiency was thus computed using the balance method (PUEB) ...
Foliar applications of fertilizer phosphorus (P) could improve use efficiency by minimizing soil applications. Nine experiments were conducted at Efaw ...
P fertilizer use efficiency (PUE) averaged 8% when P was broadcast and incorporated and 16% when P was either knifed with anhydrous ammonia or applied with the ...
... application of sufficient P to increase soil test P levels. As noted in Syers et al (2008) “Phosphorus use efficiency depends on soil P status” and “To build up ...
Phosphorus soil tests have been developed to help provide this information. ... In the early period of soil test development, many chemical solutions and ...
Dec 4, 2010 · Abstract: Foliar applications of fertilizer phosphorus (P) could improve use efficiency by minimizing soil applications. Nine experiments ...
primary components of N use efficiency: (1) the efficiency of absorption or uptake (Nt/Ns), and (2) the efficiency with which the N absorbed is utilized to ...
Feb 8, 2018 · As such, with global nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of 33% (Raun and Johnson 1999) and phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) of 16% (Dhillon et al.