Figure 1 illustrates the importance of maintaining an adequate supply of readily-plant-available P in soil to satisfy the maximum daily demand of a crop for P.
In a recent comprehensive review of world literature on P use efficiency for a wide range of cropping systems, soil types, and climates, Syers et al.
Apr 20, 2017 · Soil pH influences chemical ... Abbreviation: PUE, phosphorus use efficiency. ... can provide more efficient use of fertilizers helping to treat ...
Foliar applications of fertilizer phosphorus (P) could improve use efficiency by minimizing soil applications. Nine experiments were conducted at Efaw ...
To date, the best phosphorus (P) fertilizer use efficiency is around 16% when knifed or applied with the seed in winter wheat. Intuitively, one would expect ...
One would expect foliar applied phosphorus (P) to have higher use efficiencies than when applied to the soil, but limited information is available ...
... application of sufficient P to increase soil test P levels. As noted in Syers et al (2008) “Phosphorus use efficiency depends on soil P status” and “To build up ...
Dec 4, 2010 · Available soil P was extracted using the Mehlich III method. (Mehlich 1984). Phosphorus-use efficiency (PUE) in the corn grain was calculated ...
(2017) for phosphorus use efficiency (PUE). Lower ... soil without 2:1 ... Potassium fractions in soils as affected by monocalcium phosphate, ammonium sulfate and ...
Feb 7, 2019 · Abbreviations: KUE, potassium use efficiency; PUE, phosphorus use efficiency. Core Ideas. • Potassium use efficiency in cereals is unknown. • ...